
Fixed fee

Choose a fixed price agreement, so you know what you need to pay. Your contract will be scanned by a specialist lawyer. We check whether your contract is up to date and whether your business risks are properly covered. Do you need to draft a good contract? We can help you with that too. The lawyers at Bierens Law can assist with all the legal needs of your business. Send in your request, without obligation, and ask for a fixed fee to get an indication of price for your specific situation.

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Hourly rate

Send us your question, without obligation, and ask for an hourly rate. We will always give you a clear indication in advance and will also keep you informed throughout our process, so that you incur no unexpected costs. We charge an hourly rate between €185.00 and €275.00 excluding VAT per hour. The hourly fee varies dependent on the complexity of the case, urgency and the lawyer involved.

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How can we help you?


Our international team of specialist lawyers can help. We can alleviate your concerns, protect your business and work with you to resolve cases as quickly as possible.






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