Drafting business contracts


Raymond Arnoldus
Lawyer & Liquidator


Baris Kaya


Alexandru Buzamet


Suzanne van Loon


Antonio Illán Box


Inge Muller

With good general conditions you can limit the business risks to your organisation as much as possible. Do your general terms and conditions still fit in with your business operations? Legislation changes regularly in this area and it’s important for your organisation to keep up to date.

Your general terms and conditions should be regularly checked by a specialist.

When is it necessary to have your general terms and conditions checked?

It is always important that your general terms and conditions fit with your organisation, so your company is best protected. In the following situations you run a very high risk that your terms and conditions are no longer up-to-date:

  • Your general terms and conditions are older than 3 years.
  • You are planning to conduct business internationally.
  • Your service has been expanded.
  • The business processes in your organisation have changed.
  • Your organisation has taken over another company.
  • You do business internationally and there is nothing recorded about the competent court in case of dispute.
  • Your organisation has experienced significant growth.

Quick scan by our lawyers

Do you want to have your general conditions checked by our lawyers? Then upload your general conditions. Our lawyers will immediately start working. Within 5 days you will receive an analysis outlining ​​the legal sustainability of your general terms and conditions. Possible improvements and / or adjustments are also indicated here.

Does the Quickscan show that your general terms and conditions need to be adjusted on a few points? Our lawyers can help you with adjusting and / or supplementing your general conditions. We ensure that these are up-to-date and perfectly match your business.

Specialists in general terms and conditions

At Bierens International Law, a large team of lawyers specialise in contract law and drafting general conditions. Within our team, several lawyers have completed the Grotius specialisation course in International Contracts; the most comprehensive post-academic training in the area of ​​contract law. Every day we check many contracts and general terms and conditions, we help with drafting and give legal advice on the use of general conditions.

Contact a specialist lawyer

Would you like more information about the Quickscan or do you have a question about your general conditions? Contact us today. We will be happy to help.

Meet your specialist(s)

How can we help you?


If your company is experiencing legal difficulties, if you have an international dispute, if you need help drafting or reviewing contracts or you simply have a legal enquiry and don't know who to turn to, get in touch with us today.

Our international team of specialist lawyers can help. We can alleviate your concerns, protect your business and work with you to resolve cases as quickly as possible.






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