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Customer references

Quality and safety are of paramount importance to KLM. Not just in terms of our own performance, but also in terms of what we expect from our partners. This is why Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers is a partner of KLM. They have specialized in the field of business-to-business debt recovery. Their approach stands for quality, decisiveness, and results, which is exactly what KLM is looking for!

Ben Blad


As an internationally oriented company in the field of medicinal technology, Hager & Meisinger cooperates with trading partners from more than 100 different countries. Our business relationships are based on long-term cooperations,which means that conflicts only occur for exceptional cases. But if it does come to that, then we are glad to have a competent partner such as Bierens, who have assisted us for several years in the field of debt collection and legal advice. With their efficient cooperation, competent advice and professional knowledge of our industry, Bierens continuously shows us that in every legal matter we are very well taken care of.

Salvatore Arcadipane


Abrahams aggregates is a supplier for temporary power supply, we are specialized in repairing alternators / starter motors of all kinds. To recover our debt, we contacted Bierens and we are 100% satisfied with them and with how they handled our case. We just transfered our claim to Bierens on Friday, February 7th and on February 25th the amount will be credited to our account. Chapeau! Our most sincere compliments to the lawyers and debt collection specialists who handled our case so quickly and with such a positive outcome. Thank you very much Bierens!

Sjors Abrahams

Abrahams Aggregaten

We have been using Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers' services for many decades now and remain perfectly satisfied. Both Bierens' communication and the way they handle cases are clear and transparent. We particularly appreciate the results, personal contact and solid legal advice that Bierens have offered us over the course of our long-standing cooperation.

Gerco Dekkers


Kempex provides safe, high-quality products for animal care. We are very pleased with the services offered by Bierens. Within only one week of handing our case, we received the payment of an invoice which had been outstanding for 5 months, despite our many written and telephone notifications.

Etienne van Nistelrode

Kempex Holland

Since beginning 2014 Greenchoice, has been working closely together with Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers on large corporate claims. The approach of Bierens still appeals to Greenchoice and is aligned with our preceded (socially) responsible processes. Bierens offers customised advise and has extensive expertise in the field of energy (processes) and related legislations. The results are excellent and we periodically review areas of improvements.

Wouter Joosten


We have had two international cases at Bierens. That Bierens has an international network became clear during our first case. Immediate contact was made with a lawyer in Sweden about their legislation. In another case against a German client, we started a Mahnverfahren based on the advice of Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers – despite some initial doubts due to the amount of € 5.000,00 that had to be collected. In the end, we were able to close this case successfully, as the customer paid the invoices and costs. We have experienced the contact with our lawyers as very pleasant. They were very accessible and no question was too much for them. I think it's good that Bierens regularly organises seminars for her relations. The seminar 'Collection in Belgium and Germany', which I participated in, was very informative.



Alessi exports 65% of its turnover to more than 60 countries and can count on a network of 5000 points of sale. In particular, direct delivery takes place to thousands of shops in Europe, without any intervention. Its capacity to maintain direct contact with clients of various sizes, based in several countries, with different customs and traditions is the strength of our company. However, if there are problems with payments, we need an effective partner to collect our money. That is why we have opted for Bierens and its team of international lawyers who understand the needs of a company like ours and who can adapt as much as possible to any situation.

Lea Macedoni


Our company provides easy to maintain, environmentally-friendly hybrid turf surfaces. We tried to reach a non-paying customer for more than 15 months. We contacted Bierens, whose approach was very professional and efficient. My debtor responded the same day that Bierens contacted them. Afterwards, it took only 2 weeks to settle the outstanding invoice we had.

Thomas Albäck

Åhus Turf

World Recruitment Centre is a recruiting agency based in Breda. To collect our outstanding invoice, we called Bierens to give us professional assistance. What we can say after our experience working with them is that the the process is good and the outcome was very successful, which is the most important thing. We definitely recommend Bierens.

Inez Dijkstra

World Recruitment Centre

Vladex B.V. is an international import/export company, specialised in food products for a variety of domestic and international customers. Vladex is not confronted with debt collection issues very often, but if a customer refuses to pay, we believe that Bierens is a reliable collection partner. Recently we had a difficult case, but thanks to the efforts of our lawyer this was resolved in a short period of time.

Vladimir Cosic


We provide services in the field of acquiring subsidies for entrepreneurs. For more than 20 years, we have been providing consultancy services for both domestic and international companies. Our experience with Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers was very good. They are results-oriented and their approach is very effective.

Robert Warbroek


A defaulter is a disaster. Small independent businesses can be put into serious troubles. Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers flawlessly followed up on our problem and gave the right advice several times. With their determination, they have been able to persuade even the most hard-edged defaulters to come to an agreement. They have restored my confidence in entrepeneurs. Should I encounter such problems again in the future, I will not hesitate and hire Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers immediately!

M.C.E. Röell

Röell Jewelry

For more than two years, we have been working in cooperation with Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers for the debt recovery and advice procedures for large or foreign claims. During this time, we have never been let down by Bierens. We consider quality of paramount importance to our service, and we have noticed that Bierens maintains the same standards throughout the furthest corners of its organisation when it comes to providing service. Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers is a fine example of ‘promise is promise’ and with its expertise and determination they are capable of making our money reappear. Fortunately, they are also straightforward and tell us when something is not feasible. In addition, the workshops are part of the added value Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers brings us. In a word, the cooperation with Bierens we had intended has grown into something of great value, and we are happy to continue this for quite some time to come.

Peter Bak

db schenker

I am a freelance translator and I was very satisfied with the services provided. I had a debt of 2000 euros from a Dutch company and thanks to Bierens, I received my money in a very short time. I would recommend them.

Chiara Rizzi

Chiara Rizzi

Universal Music operates in a segment of the market which is experiencing increasing pressure, at hundreds of points of sales, and with a product which has the potential to become a hit at any moment and needs to be available immediately. This is the reason we cannot afford to get involved in laborious and protracted proceedings. Decisiveness is essential, and Bierens’ energetic approach as an extension of our own credit management is an excellent fit for us. Direct communication, structured procedures and exchange of information, knowledge of the market and our company means that we have found an ideal partner in Bierens for granting credit to our customers, retailers and wholesalers since 2007.

Frank Oosenbrug

Universal music

Van Gils has been known for its expertise in men’s clothing since 1948. We have been working with Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers for years, and we have certainly experienced the Bierens expertise in recovering money claims. And more than that, not only the debt recovery results are good but also when it comes to advice throughout the entire order to cash process, we have found a good, trustworthy and accessible partner in Bierens. At Bierens, understandable language is used, and because they work in branch teams, our regular contact at Bierens understands the fashion branch language too.

Arjen Schuurman

van gils

Our apparel company has continuously experienced impressive growth, since it was founded, in 1998. As a result, the number of distribution outlets is also increasing. We currently have 700 selling points worldwide. Therefore, the risk of having unpaid invoices is also increasing. We have had a very good experience with Bierens. They are friendly, they work efficiently and accurately, give good advice, think along with us and deliver customized solutions.

Marin Coppen


HF Works, the outsourcing agency for logistical personnel! We specialise in the placement of national- and international drivers. We are also active in the recruitment and selection of planners, mechanics and administrative logistical professionals. We stand for optimal service and quality, fast communication and a single point of contact. This is also the case at Bierens and that is very pleasant. We have been using the services of Bierens for more than 8 years and we are very satisfied.

Gerard van Heugten


Burger Ferry Agencies (BFA) is one of the leading agencies in the field of ferry ticketing. For more than 20 years, we have been hiring Bierens when our customers in the Netherlands or abroad have not paid. At Bierens we have an enthusiastic partner who really adds something to our responsive debtor policy. Besides the good collection results, we appreciate the personal contact and short lines of communication with the people at Bierens.

Eric Scholten

Burger Ferry Agencies

Constructif operates in the real estate industry, renovating, transforming, and maintaining existing buildings and constructions, both residential and non-residential. We work for housing corporations, property owners, care and training institutions, banks, hospitals, (semi-) governmental authorities, project developers and more. In our business, many parties are involved. That's why for our debt collection case we needed to act quickly. Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers perfectly understood our needs. They are well organized and they take action fastly. Transferring our case was easy thanks to the Bierens website, and their response was quick. We received our money within 5 days! Absolutely satisfied with the result.

Adriana de Kok de Mik


Thanks to its knowledge of the legal system, local culture, as well as which tools are available to deal with a debtor, Bierens were able to reach effective agreements that have resulted in our company being able to recover its claims. Throughout the entire process, Bierens’ lawyers have always advised me on the correct strategy and they were available at all times.

Paul Sanderse


ALD Automotive is very satisfied with the long-standing partnership with Bierens. They are a dependable ally; not only for debt collection, but also in terms of their legal knowledge and their willingness to actively think along with us. Furthermore, Bierens is well versed in conflict resolution within the leasing industry, and we particularly value their efficient communication, high success rates, and expert legal guidance.

Folkert Boersma

ALD Automotive

Ferro Corporation is very pleased with the successful outcome of our claim with a certain debtor client that was handled by the Bierens Group. Thanks to the diligent efforts of our file handler, we received payment in full for our claim which was in excess of 500,000 Euros. The Bierens Group has proven their value many times over in managing our international claims and we will continue to utilize and highly value their legal expertise when the need arises in the future.

Richard Jude Matis


As a market leader of company software, SAP deals with a large number of customers who widely vary in versatility and size. Initially, of course you would like to manage your own accounts receivable, but if that is not feasible, it is nice to have a good safety net. Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers has been a reliable partner of SAP for years. They have proven their efficiency and decisiveness when it comes to an effective debt recovery policy.

Gerard van Tilburg


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How can we help you?


If your company is experiencing legal difficulties, if you have an international dispute, if you need help drafting or reviewing contracts or you simply have a legal enquiry and don't know who to turn to, get in touch with us today.

Our international team of specialist lawyers can help. We can alleviate your concerns, protect your business and work with you to resolve cases as quickly as possible.






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